Nextjs fetch data from Google sheet
3 steps implementation
Get credential and setting up google sheet
- Go at Google Cloud Platform
console -> create project -> search marketplace & enable “google sheet api”
Select Credentails and Manage service accounts.
After done with create_service_account -> select Manage keys at account action
Click ADD_KEY and select JSON -> create. Will receive .json file
*add .json file to Nextjs project (in this article naming file = key.json)
Handle with Google sheet
sheet_id is string from google sheet url after
sheet_id = 1xN...pKOE
and enable share this sheet
Implement with Nextjs
3.1 Install lib dependency
npm i googleapis
3.2 add env
- assign key GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = .json file path (step1)
- assign sheet_id = from step2
Project Tree
Use getServerSideProps to handle fetching data from sheet
| use id query to identify row
*note: recheck about sheet_page_name and column
Using props to display