Memo: Learn Infra and App modernization GCP

Supanut Laddayam
2 min readMay 16, 2024


this section focus on Infrastructure and App modernization service on GCP

<Compute instance>

  • GCloud Compute Engine (GCE): IaaS, Virtual Machine.
  • Bare Metal Solution: hardware to run specialize workload with low latency.
  • GCloud VMware Engine: migrate and run VMware workload.
  • App Engine: Paas | serverless, build and deploy app without worry infra eg. Heroku with 2 types:
    1. Standard: start up fast, can scale to zero, no backgroud process, run with upload code.
    2. Flexible: start up a min, must have at least once instance running, have backgroud process, run with upload docker container.
  • Cloud function: FaaS single-purpose function that respond to event


  • GKE: container management on K8S
  • Cloud Run: serverless, run statless container
  • Cloud Build: CICD pipeline (build, test, deploy container)
  • GCloud Container Registry (GCR): store Docker image
  • GCloud Artifact Registry (GAR): store Container image
  • Optimize container OS: optimize OS boot time for container


  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): GCloud network where can launch GCloud resource.
  • Cloud Ammor: Protect DDoS Attack.
  • Cloud LoadBalancing: Distributed traffic access across app.
  • Cloud NAT: provide app instance access from internet without Public IP.
  • Cloud CDN: Cache content close to customer.
  • Cloud Interconnect: connect on-premis and cloud.
  • Cloud VPN: secure connect throug IPSec VPN tunnel.


  • Apigee: Api management service.
  • Cloud Deployment management: GCloud’s IaC service.


3 types of migration:

1. Lift and ship: No modify application, Fast migration strategy.
2. Improve and move: Refactor application (modernize workload), Slower.
3. Rip and Replace: Rebuild from scratch (completely redesign & rewrite), take longtime.

4 migration path:

1.Assess: Defined and know workload.
2. Plan: Plan how to move include identity management, org, project structure and networking.
3. Deploy: Design, implement and execute deployment process.
4. Optimize: Take full advantage of cloud-native to expand bussiness

Migration Compute

  • Migrate VM: migrate on-premise workload to GCE.
  • Migrate Anthos: migrate on-premise workload to container GKE.
  • Migrate Container: migrate on-premise container worklaod to GCloud.
  • Mirgrate VMware: migrate on-premise VMware to GCloud VMware.

(additional)Recap: Migration database

  • Database Migration Service (DMS): migrate on-premise database to CloudSQL

(additional)Recap: Migration Storage

  • Storage Transfer service: migrate storage data (s3 to GCS)
  • Transfer Appliance: migrate TB / PB data and faster ship with physical drive

<Ai & ML>

  • Vertex Ai: e2e AI solution for ML and DL.
  • AutoML: Train ML model for predict.
  • Vision Ai: image recognition.



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